

If you are a scientist or an entrepreneur developing Upstream or Downstream innovative technologies for the Space industry, get in contact with us. We would be happy to be surprised by your new (ad)venture!

Galaxia can support you and your team all along the full development journey, from technological and business feasibility to founding a company and scale it up.

Are you a scientist?

Are you a scientist?

We are looking for PhD students, researchers, professors or inventors operating with the partner universities of Galaxia that are working on technologies to revolutionize the aerospace industry with the ultimate goal of becoming global market leaders.

Are you an entrepreneur?

Are you an entrepreneur?

Start ups collaborating with Italian universities or research centres can participate in Galaxia’s investment programme.

Investment Focus

Galaxia invests in startups and teams that are developing aerospace-based or related innovations in the following fields:

Satellites, Propulsion systems, Launchers

In-space services, Space resource mining, Energy generation

Mission control, Deep Space Exploration

Earth Observation, Remote monitoring, Climate Forecasting

Satellite Communication, Security, Navigation

Advanced computing, AI, Image processing, Micro&nano electronics